Friday, August 23, 2013


I'm so frustrated with my "best friend". Why in quotes? Well, I just don't feel it anymore and I honestly don't care if she reads this or not.


3 years ago (I think), my bestest friend in the whole world moved 100+ miles away with her husband and kids. BROKE. MY. HEART. We had done almost everything together for quite sometime. I wanted to visit so bad, but things never worked out.

Fast forward to now....

Almost 2 months ago, same friend moved many states away. Grand total of over 1000 miles away. I might never see her or her kids again. I would give ANYTHING to be with them, but that would mean divorcing my husband. Something I will not do for a friend.

Anyways, I text her off and on. I texted her recently asking how everything was going. She NEVER once asked how me or my family was doing. I read on FB that she skypes a friend from Milwaukee all the time. That cr** shows up on my feed. That hurts my feelings so much to know that she cares so freaking little about me or my family.

I was there for her for EVERYTHING.

Nice to know that I don't matter to her.....


Friday, August 2, 2013

They are DRIVING ME NUTS....

My kids, that is. I know it's normal and I'm pretty sure that my brother, sister & I drove my parents nuts. Right now, I can not stand the constant whining from M. And D is doing his "best" by pushing all her buttons.

It is so hard to have any patience today when it comes to D and M. They were terrible when we were grocery shopping too. I think the only part today when they got along, was lunch. They were actually sitting on the same chair at the table. I wish I would've taken a picture for proof that they DO get along... somtimes!

In other news.... haha!

Things were pretty good here for a bit. We were on a roll with good things. Where to start...

Let's see if I can make this make sense. My husband (R) was previously married. He was married for about 3 years and divorced a little over a year before we got married. Well, the other day we got 2 envelopes in the mail addressed to Owner: R. Weird, right? I open them up and they had might as well been in Greek. I had no clue what I was looking at and neither did R. Turns out they were Annual Reports for Life Insurance that he purchased through his job that he's been at since 2000. This is the first time that we've EVER got anything like this before. Where does the ex-wife come in? Well apparently for the last 11 years, he's been still paying for a rider life insurance policy on her that he didn't know he even had!!   His pay stubs only show that he's paying for 3 different Life Insurance things, but they don't specify what kind. I remember him changing the beneficiary after the divorce was finalized, but that's all I know. Called the company that is now in charge of the Life Insurance. We will be received a little under $2K, which is nice.... but that's not close to the amount he's paid for the last 11 years. I think he's paid a little over $8500. So frustrating. We will be calling his HR dept on Monday to hopefully get some answers. I would LOVE to use this unexpected money that we will be getting to move. The kids so need to have their own rooms. We moved in to this apartment when D was 4 and M was 1. The apartment was too small then and it's way too small now!

A local radio station is giving away free tickets to the local Circus for Sundays & Mondays for the month of August. I was so excited to learn about that. For the last couple of years, M has been saying that she wants to go to the circus for an elephant ride. With these free tickets, that is a savings of over $50! Yay! M will be FINALLY going on her elephant ride. And D as well, if he wants too! :)

My final good thing... Found a nice coupon code thanks to Retailmenot. We were able to save almost $30 PLUS get FREE shipping for some work shirts and ties for R. That's a big deal here since he needs to wear a suit & tie (darn JT song just popped in my head.... GRRR) everyday to work.

Whew! I think that's enough for now. I've tuned the kids out long enough.... I had better go.